Meet Vannessa

Health Coach & Clinical EFT Practitioner

Meet Vannessa

Holistic health has been a long term passion of mine, dedicating over 25 years to this field. As a health coach, I have embraced healthy eating, non-toxic products, and regular exercise as integral parts of my lifestyle. However, I often felt something was missing. For many years as an entrepreneur, I would wake up each day consumed by anxiety, heart palpitations and overwhelming feelings that trapped me in a cycle of ruminating thoughts, guilt, and worry. Through my overwhelming struggles with anxiety and emotional stress, I came to understand the profound impact prolonged distressing feelings have on the physical body and how they can shape the quality of our lives.

A little about her background

After exploring various approaches like changing my diet, improving sleep habits, experimenting with supplements, and practicing meditation, I experienced some relief. While each attempt helped alleviate a layer of intensity, I was determined to find a more substantial solution without resorting to medication. I wanted to uncover the root cause of my struggles and I knew in my bones that I would find the answer.

This journey led me to a therapist who re-introduced me to Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) for anxiety. My husband, a fantastic chiropractor, had originally planted the seed about EFT a couple years prior and gave me a book on it, but I was a little too stubborn and unwilling to take his advice at the time. 

Plus, I didn’t have the bandwidth to read a book and learn something new. Fast forward to the therapy session – I was amazed to discover that after just one session, I began to feel substantially better. I was both surprised and hopeful. Within a few months of practicing self-tapping through videos & apps, I decided to become an EFT practitioner. My desire to learn more about EFT and other energy work stemmed from a personal need for healing, but I also felt a strong urge to help others who were suffering unnecessarily.

Now, I realize that anxiety and feelings of overwhelm are merely symptoms of deeper emotions and traumas that I didn’t have the capacity to address at the time they occurred. It’s not that the emotions were bad, they were simply alarm bells going off, letting me know that something was off and needed attention. I was in chronic survival mode and it really came out as an entrepreneur dealing with uncertainty, creating my own work and promoting myself. Anxiety served as an umbrella over these underlying issues. I find great value in being an emotional detective, uncovering and healing the root causes of these experiences. By listening to these alarm bells and using my body’s own energy system, I can now transform these challenges into confidence, compassion, zest for life, and authentic connections with others. My heart gets extremely happy when I can help others do the same. I have since thanked my husband for planting that seed.

Stephanie L.

Vannessa is a gifted EFT practitioner. She was able to point me to a childhood event connected to my feelings of anxiety around putting my work out there.

She is patient, understanding and supportive. I recommend tapping with Vannessa to anyone looking to learn a proven stress relief method, or trying to understand and dissolve the roots of the limiting beliefs that seem to be holding them back.